One Fund Administrator: Only 15 Boston Bombing Victims Have Applied For Aid So Far
BOSTON (CBS) -- The One Fund Boston has raised more than $37 million for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings.
Kenneth Feinberg, administrator of the One Fund says victims have until June 15, to apply.
So far, only 15 have done so but Feinberg says it is still early.
"There is an initial delay, but by deadline you see a flood of claims come in and I suspect we'll see that here," he said.
Feinberg said administering the One Fund is much different than his past experiences because of the extent of the injuries.
He credited Boston Mayor Tom Menino and Gov. Deval Patrick for their support and said attacks like the one suffered in Boston show the good in humanity.
"I am frankly amazed no matter how many times I do this at the charitable impulse of the American people," Feinberg said.
Watch: Extended Interview With Ken Feinberg
There is still time to donate to the One Fund on their website.