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On To The Weekend...

What a workweek...started chilly with some Autumn air finished warm with temps in the 80s.  Now we are on to the weekend and a few changes are in store.  First of all, a coldfront is approaching from the west...this front is active right now with showers and storms but will become much less active on its approach early tomorrow morning.  Most of the heavier rain will stay well north of the region and travel into Canada but the tail end of the line will clip Southern New England early tomorrow morning providing a few brief showers.  The front will be offshore by midday and winds will be picking up from the NW drawing in even drier air, increasing sunshine and Autumn-like temps for the rest of the weekend.  Skies will be clear Saturday night and the winds will die down allowing for pretty good radiational cooling and most suburban towns will wake up first thing on Sunday morning to temps in the 40s.  The chilly start will be erased quickly with the bright September sunshine and temps will recover to 70 degrees by early in the afternoon and weather for the Pats game will be perfect.

Early next week a potent system will work in for Tuesday and Wednesday providing a very good chance at some soaking rain and gusty winds too.  Early indications are that the storm will head up to our west keeping the axis of heaviest rain in New York State leaving us with gusty showers and thunderstorms with locally heavy rain during the middle of next week.  Have a great weekend and GO PATS!

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