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Off-Duty Officer Witnesses "Reckless" Road Rage Incident In NH

MERRIMACK, NH (CBS) - A man and woman are charged in a wild case of road rage. Merrimack, New Hampshire police say the two drivers tried to force each other off the road.

An off-duty police officer saw the whole thing unfold.

Hollis Police Lt. Richard Mello described the incident as "reckless" and "dangerous." He says, "Certainly not something you want to see on the roads."

It started when two lanes merged into one. The officer who saw the whole thing says he's stunned these drivers didn't hurt themselves or someone else.

"I haven't seen something like that in a long time," says Mello.

Lt.  Mello says he watched Amii Richardson and Christopher Levada try to run each other off the road.

"It became very aggressive," he says. "They started to swerve at one another. One pushing one vehicle to the left. One pushing the vehicle to the right."

The intersection is always busy and during this road rage incident, it was no different. Mello says it's lucky they didn't hit anyone else.

The drivers remember it differently. Each thinks the other was the aggressor.

"I don't think I was displaying road rage," says Richardson.

Richardson says she was in a van and the other driver wasn't paying attention when two lanes merged to one.

"I laid on my horn, obviously that enraged him instantly," said Richardson. "He started swearing, calling me names and I accelerated."

Levada says Amii was the one trying to hit him. Two stories, but both admit they would react differently next time.

Levada didn't want to speak on camera. Both drivers say prior to this they had perfect driving records. Both had to pay $750 bail and will appear in court.

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