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Odin Lloyd Family Says Aaron Hernandez Verdict 'A Sigh Of Relief'

FALL RIVER (CBS) – Wearing a pin with a picture of her son Odin Lloyd, Ursula Ward stood before a crowd of reporters Wednesday following the murder conviction of former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez.

Related: Aaron Hernandez Jurors Say 'We Did The Right Thing' With Guilty Verdict

"My baby, just like God has left his footprint in the sand, my baby's footprint is in my heart forever. He was my strength. I love him dearly," said an emotional Ward.

The pin on Ward's blouse, which she was not allowed to wear inside the courtroom during the trial, read "Legends Never Die" and "Rest Easy Big O."

Watch: Odin Lloyd's Mother Gives Victim Impact Statement

Ward said she will most miss Lloyd's smile, calling him the "most precious gift in my life."

Also addressing the media following the verdict was Olivia Thibou, Lloyd's sister.

Thibou said it is still difficult to come to grips with Lloyd's death.

She was on her way to the courthouse when the verdict was read, and said she shared an emotional phone conversation with her sister after Hernandez was convicted.

"It was a sigh of relief," said Thibou. "I screamed. I cried."

Bristol District Attorney Thomas Quinn spoke outside the courtroom on Wednesday.

"I think this is a great day for the Commonwealth, a great day for the family because the jury has spoken," said Quinn.

When Thibou stood at the podium, she was joined by Shaneah Jenkins, the sister of Aaron Hernandez's fiancée Shayanna Jenkins.

Watch: Odin Lloyd's Sister Reacts To Aaron Hernandez Verdict

Shaneah Jenkins was dating Lloyd at the time of his murder. Thibou said she considers Shaneah a member of her family, adding that "I love her because she loved Odin. And Odin loved her."

Throughout the trial, Shaneah Jenkins sat with Lloyd's family and friends while Shayanna sat behind Hernandez. Shaneah also took the stand early on in the trial as a witness for the prosecution.

Related: Harry Manion Calls Aaron Hernandez Decision A 'Warranted, Justified Verdict'

Shayanna Jenkins, meanwhile, testified for the prosecution as well, though she answered several questions by saying she did not recall information.

After the verdict was read Wednesday and Hernandez was sentenced to life in prison without parole, Shayanna could be seen getting into her car, sobbing, and driving away.

When asked how difficult it was to sit across the courtroom from her sister, Shaneah only said "no comment" before leaving the courthouse.

During her victim impact statement before the judge sentenced Hernandez, Ursula Ward said she has already forgiven him for killing her son.

"I forgive the hands of the people that had a hand in my son's murder, either before or after. And I pray and hope that someday, everyone out there will forgive them also," said Ward.

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