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Norwood Firefighter Shares Story After Death Defying Fall

NORWOOD (CBS) - "There's always a risk for us," said Norwood firefighter David Lazzaro as he stood in the garage of his firehouse, thankful to be alive and walking on crutches.

Friday, he took a death-defying slide down the pitched roof of a burning apartment building, falling 25 feet to pavement, and rolling into a glass door. "I was probably 12-14 feet from the edge, so I slid that far. I tried stopping myself, digging my heels into the roof, and when that wasn't happening, I knew I was going off."

He has three broken bones in his right foot, and torn ligaments in his left foot. "To see the look on the orthopedic surgeon's face to say that the only thing wrong with me was a broken foot and minor injuries on my left foot. It's unexplainable."

He does have one explanation. "I truly believe my grandfather was there watching over me."

If there had been time for his life to flash before his eyes, he would have seen his pregnant wife, baby boy, and precious 2-year-old daughter. When they sit at the table Thursday, it will be on the top of his mind. "Thankful for being alive being able to walk, spend time with my family and my distant family here at the station."

His fellow firefighters are keeping him laughing. They touched-up his badge with white out, to make it look like a man with a cast on it. They also made a gag "frequent flyer" pass, with MedFlight miles.

Lazzaro says the laughter helps, and promises he will be back on the job as soon as possible. He does face a long road of recovery, including surgery and physical therapy.

The firehouse is collecting donations for two families, one with four boys, and the other with three children. They are asking the public to drop off gift cards, since the families lost their homes and all their belongings in the fire.


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