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Northboro grandmother celebrating 100th birthday with jokes from strangers

Northboro grandmother celebrating 100th birthday with jokes from strangers
Northboro grandmother celebrating 100th birthday with jokes from strangers 00:51

NORTHBORO - A grandmother from Northboro is celebrating her 100th birthday this weekend with jokes from strangers.

Dorothy Alberta Hurd Senecal will turn 100 on Saturday, April 1.

She loves jokes and keeps the staff at her nursing home in Shrewsbury in stitches.

So her family put out a plea on social media for 100 cards with jokes to celebrate her landmark birthday.

Here are a few:

What do you call a dachshund that's been left in the cold?

A chili dog.

Why was the pig in the kitchen on its birthday?

He was bacon himself a cake.

What did the left eye say to the right eye?

Between you and me, something smells.

Dorothy has come a long way, especially in the last three years. In 2020, she was among many suffering from COVID during an outbreak at her nursing home. She has since survived COVID twice, plus cancer. She's looking forward to celebrating her 100th birthday, which comes appropriately on April Fool's Day. 

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