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NH Voters Consider Trump's Potential Presidential Run

DERRY, N.H. (CBS) - If the New Hampshire Primary was held today, Mitt Romney would be the man to beat.

A recent WMUR-TV UNH Survey Center poll found Romney in the lead with 40% of support from likely Republican voters in New Hampshire.

But after a speech to the Conservative Political Action Committee this weekend, a lot of people are talking about another possible contender, Donald Trump.

Trump has the TV show, the hair, and the money, but does he have what it takes to win in NH?

WBZ-TV's Karen Anderson reports.

At Mary Ann's Restaurant in Derry, we found a range of opinions among Republican voters.

Waitress Michelle Trulson says he's got her vote. "I think he's such a genius economically and that's what we need right now."

But others aren't so sure.

Andrew Palmer says, "He has too many detractions, too many negatives. You can talk about his hair, The Apprentice, you can talk about a lot of things, but as for being President of the free world, it's too far a stretch for me to imagine myself personally."

Mike Dennehy, who advised Senator John McCain through two New Hampshire victories, says many candidates don't understand what New Hampshire voters demand. "It's a very intimate campaign, you need to talk to voters one on one in living rooms, at town hall meetings, in diners… You need to develop relationships with voters in New Hampshire, and that's not easy to do. You need to be humble, and that's not something that Donald Trump is particularly used to as well."

Dennehy says Trump has some vulnerabilities with Republicans. "I know there has been an issue of him not supporting President Bush in his reelection, he's given money to Democratic candidates like Harry Reid. So those are the issues that, like every other candidate, he's going to have to deal with and explain."

But the Granite State will give anyone a chance. Dennehy says, "In New Hampshire, any candidate who comes here and talks to candidates directly has a chance of winning New Hampshire, and that's what makes New Hampshire special."

What does Michelle think about the hair? "Will it help?" She says, "It won't hurt. We know what to expect from Donald Trump."

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