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NFL Spokesman Shoots Down WFAN's DeflateGate Report

BOSTON (CBS) -- DeflateGate will never end, and neither will anonymous sources giving out information that is later shot down.

Early Friday morning, WFAN's Craig Carton said a "very influential person in the NFL" told him "there's no doubt in his mind" that Brady will serve a four-game suspension this season after the NFL's appeal is heard.

Brady's four-game DeflateGate ban was tossed out by federal judge Richard Berman just a week before the NFL season, a decision the NFL has appealed.

Carton's source also told him the league is trying to get their appeal expedited, but that was shot down Friday afternoon. An NFL spokesman also told reporters, "It is highly unlikely that the (Brady) appeal will be decided before the end of the season."

It doesn't sound very likely that the NFL's appeal is heard before the end of the season, meaning Tom Brady can keep tossing touchdowns every Sunday.

File this under more misinformation being passed along by the league, which is nothing we aren't used to from what we've all had to deal with over the last eight months.

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