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News And Notes From Around The NFL

BOSTON (CBS) -- Here are some news and notes that are making headlines around the NFL and beyond:

The Redskins Albert Haynesworth has made it official.

"I'm not good enough to play the 3-4," Haynesworth said Thursday. All year long he has bristled in playing in this system and he has finally come out and just said it.

Haynesworth signed for the big money and then Washington changed head coaches and the system he enjoys playing in. The Redskins have altered the scheme recently.

"Now that we've changed some of the things that I do, it's helped a lot," Haynesworth said. "I don't have to think as much on the field -- I can just go out and play."

The Cowboys have struggled this season, they have and 1-5 record and that has depressed some of the core legends.

Roger Staubach and Troy Aikman are not happy with what they are seeing.

"To be done before you get out of the month of October is pretty shocking," Aikman said.

Dallas is now closer to get the top pick in the draft, than they are to the playoffs.

"I thought we would be more 5-1 than 1-5," Staubach said. "I still feel we can be a respectful team the rest of the year. But we have put ourselves in a hole."

"Soccer 6" chimes in this week and first and foremost, I received some comments on "6's" Lebron poems and all of them were positive. Which has led me to believe that picking up a book of poems and studying rhyming schemes is very much a lost art.

You can only put "James" and "Lame" and "Fame" together so many times, before I shake my head and say, "That's a shame. Again, no more rhyming for "6". I have to proclaim that the rhymes have put me in a bad frame.

This week "6" watched the premier of Football Wives and said the show is better than Basketball Wives.

That's not saying much, and it would not be hard to do.

Deion's wife Pilar Sanders is the star, but Leonard Davis' wife, Amanda will fight her for that role.

The Davis' have bible study every week and apparently that is getting in the way of the group's social life. Right now you should turn off the TV and head outside. I feel every minute you watch this show is a minute you become dumber and die inside.

"Soccer 6" said that last week on the T.Ocho show Terrell Owens and Chad Ochocinco got a tweet from P. Diddy and he wants to own an NFL football team. REALLY!!

What's better is that those guys want to play for him. They both believe that anything Diddy touches turns to gold. That's why those two fools will never play football for Diddy.

He may want to own a team and if he did get one, I am pretty sure he would like some success. Those two yahoos won't give him success.

"6" says Larry Fitzgerald made a guest appearance on the show. They called him the third best receiver in the league because they are one and two.

By the way, I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Larry was asked who talked the most trash to him on the field and "6" tells us without hesitation, Larry said Rodney Harrison. Larry says Rodney would talk about his family and even the way he looked in his uniform.

I have no problems with Rodney. I just wish he would have knocked out David Tyree instead of pinning the ball against his head.

"Soccer 6" says emotions ran high when Owens said the hardest hit he took was when Jerry Jones released him. Really "6", misty over that?

Now here we need to drop a lame, and a shame. Almost crying over that CHILD PLEEZ....

Thanks so much for reading and thank you Soccer 6 for chiming in.

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