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Needham community pool closed after glass bottle shatters

Needham pool closed after glass bottle shatters
Needham pool closed after glass bottle shatters 02:25

NEEDHAM - Relentless heat adds insult to injury in Needham, where crews are working quickly to fix a frustrating issue at the Rosemary Recreation Complex. The "deep pool" for lap swimming is closed after a glass bottle shattered and pieces fell in.

"While I'm always concerned about people stepping on things and hurting themselves, that's not my biggest concern with glass. Shards of glass can float and therefore can go in peoples' eyes if they're not wearing goggles or they can get swallowed," explained Parks and Recreation Director Stacey Mulroy.

Needham pool closed
The deep pool at the Rosemary Recreation Complex in Needham was closed after a glass bottle shattered.  CBS Boston

So now, just a month after it opened for the season, the same pricey process to make it safe.

"Drain it, power wash it, clean it, it's actually in the refill stage right now. Once it's full which takes about 24 hours, then we'll treat it and shock it," she added.

Many Needham neighbors feel frustrated because the rules about glass are posted and clear.

"It's a big price tag"

"I can think of many other things that people would rather spend $20,000 of our public dollars doing. It's a big price tag for something that was just so readily and easily avoidable," said Massachusetts Senator Becca Rausch.

Rausch was joining her family at the pool Sunday just after this happened.

"It's really heartbreaking in particular when I think about all the seniors who get their exercise; and all the kids, like 150-200 kids who are involved in swim team and they can't meet," Rausch pointed out.

More than 1000 people swam at the complex over eight hours Sunday. At least for this week, everyone is sharing the shallow family pool: adults, kids, lap swimmers, and swim lessons.

Needham pool
A pool at the Rosemary Recreation Complex is Needham was closed after a glass bottle shattered.  CBS Boston

"Just a reminder that no glass is allowed of any kind, or even ceramic coffee cups. That has the same problem. Nothing breakable. Stainless steel is your friend!" Mulroy said.

Mulroy said it was a priority not to interrupt swim lessons, teaching lifesaving, lifelong skills. The Crompton Park Pool in Worcester is dealing with the same exact situation this week; They expect to reopen Saturday. Needham promised updates on social media but wasn't certain when the pool would be safe to swim in.  

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