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Needham Family Hopes Kids' Pool Slide Gets Returned

NEEDHAM (CBS) - With all of this great weather we've been getting, most kids are enjoying their time in the pool.

But, one family in Needham is trying to discover who might have mistakenly taken their daughter's pool slide from their front yard.

Five-year-old Abagail Rooney has a pretty good attitude considering someone took the slide to her pool from in front of her home.

"Someone drove by our house, I think, saw a slide sitting near the end of the driveway thinking that we were putting it out for the trash and stopped and took it," said Jodi Rooney, Abigail's mom.

WBZ-TV's Paul Burton reports.

Jodi said earlier this week her husband was patching up a few sink holes in the driveway and used some the kids toys including their slide to prevent anyone from driving over it.

While there are bigger problems to solve than a little slide, a lot of times it's the little things that can a make a young girl very happy, and Abigail would like her bigger slide back.

"We felt bad that somebody would actually take a kid's slide," said Tami Olsen, a neighbor. "Usually when things are free, there is a sign that says 'Free.'"

Jodi and Abigail hope the person who took it will see the sign they put out where the slide used to be and return it.

"I just ask them, 'Just please return it.' I'm not angry at the person. I just want them to realize that my kids are sad," said Jodi.

The family said the slide is pink with purple stairs. It cost about $90.

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