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Natick Police: BB Gun In Suspect's Backpack Looks Like Police Gun

NATICK (CBS) - As investigators search for a group of vandals armed with BB guns who have been taking out windows, Natick Police have a stern warning for parents to watch what their children are playing with.

Police are making the plea to the public after investigators found a BB gun in a suspect's backpack that closely resembles a police officer's service weapon.

"We take our job seriously. We, at times, encounter individuals who will do us harm. If this "toy" was mistakenly believed about to cause harm to us or any other individual for that matter, it would be met with a most negative response," police said in a Facebook post on Friday. 

The post shows a photograph of both the BB gun and a service weapon, which look very similar.

"A backpack believed to belong to one of our suspects contained an air pistol. That pistol is shown here along with the pistol we carry as a service weapon," police said. 

Police say they're trying to identify three suspects who were involved in shooting out windows.

"As parents we ask that you take a long look at what your children are playing with and educate them on the danger their decisions may bring. None of us can afford the consequences of failing to have that conversation," Natick Police said in a Facebook post.

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