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NASCAR Driver Matt Kenseth Finishes Boston Marathon In Just Over 3 Hours

BOSTON (CBS) -- NASCAR drive Matt Kenseth is used to crossing the finish line at some pretty high speeds. He was going significantly slower when he finished his race on Monday.

That's when Kenseth ran his first Boston Marathon, finishing in an impressive 3:01:40. He spoke to WBZ-TV's Steve Burton after the race, and said that running the famous race was one of the best sporting experiences of his life.

"The atmosphere was second to none. It's one of the better experiences -- sporting experiences -- of my life," said Kenseth, who also ran the Chicago Marathon last fall. "This was really cool. All the crowd enthusiasm and just a huge event. It was fun to be part of it."

Kenseth usually tries to pass his counterparts during a race, but his approach was a lot different as he attacked the 26.2-mile course on Monday. He said that pacing was the key to make it to the finish line in such an impressive time.

"With such big crowds you couldn't really pass people, which was good. It held me back," he said. "The biggest thing is not to kill your quads with all those downhills. It's so much different than any other marathon I've ran. I was saving something for the end, so once I got over the top of Heartbreak Hill I actually felt really great and turned it on. I finished strong and I'm really happy about that."

Kenseth, who just turned 50 in March, said that he hopes to run another Boston Marathon.

"I hope so. It was an awesome experience," he said.

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