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Mount Washington Sees First Snowfall Of The Season

NORTH CONWAY, N.H. (CBS) -- Snow fell in New England to end September - atop the region's highest peak. The Mount Washington Observatory said Wednesday that they saw their first flakes of the season.

"During shift change today, a brief snow shower passed over the summit which was the first of the season! Of course, everyone had to go outside to check it out," said a post on the observatory's Facebook page.

During shift change today, a brief snow shower passed over the summit which was the first of the season! Of course,...

Posted by Mount Washington Observatory on Wednesday, September 29, 2021

There could be more snow in the coming days, as temperatures fall.

"Temperatures look to be cold enough for precipitation at the higher summits to fall mostly as plain snow, but any accumulations are still expected to be light," weather observer Sam Robinson forecasts for Wednesday night. "With temperatures below freezing, and summit fog expected to reform, icing looks likely."

Thursday will also bring a chance of more snow showers. Anyone hiking above the tree line should follow the forecast closely, and make sure to protect themselves against the risk of frostbite or hypothermia.

The Observatory also shared "picturesque" time lapse video of clouds rolling beneath the summit Tuesday afternoon.

Picturesque ending to the day. Colder weather and even snow in the forecast in the next 48 hours on the higher summits! Make sure to check the Higher Summits Forecast before hitting the trails! ⛅️❄️ Higher Summits Forecast????????:

Posted by Mount Washington Observatory on Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Temperatures will also be chilly closer to Boston, but not quite winter-like. The high on Thursday is expected to be below 60 degrees.

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