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Mother's Day Nor'easter Will Have Moms Celebrating Inside

BOSTON (CBS) - Sorry moms…this just isn't your year, unless of course, you enjoy a good 'ol fashion nor'easter! Nope it isn't going to miss…and yes that cookout you had planned really is NOT a good idea. Look on the bright side, it always could be worse…maybe you remember Mother's Day, 2006 when we had massive flooding and nearly 4" of rain in Boston on that day alone? Or perhaps there are a few of you out there that may remember Mother's Day, 1938 when Boston actually got nearly an inch of snow!

So how bad will it be? Let's break down the weekend timeline…

Saturday Morning:
If there is any sunshine on Saturday it would be very early in the day and short-lived. Clouds will quickly race in and thicken on Saturday morning, temperatures in the low 50s with a light onshore wind.

Saturday Afternoon:
Temperatures stuck in the low to mid 50s and cloud bases start to lower. Perhaps a few sprinkles out ahead of the main batch of rain which arrives from west to east. Winds start to increase out of the ENE along the South Coast.
Approximate steady rain arrival times on Saturday:
2PM: Western MA, Connecticut including Hartford and Springfield
5PM: Central MA, Rhode Island including Providence and Worcester
8PM: Eastern MA, essentially all of Southern New England is now raining

Saturday Night:
Rain of varying intensity, heavy at times especially after midnight and in Eastern/Southeastern MA. Wind gusts out of the ENE 15-35 (especially along the Coast) with gusts to 45mph over Cape Cod and the Islands.

Sunday Morning:
Heaviest and steadiest rain will be in Eastern MA and early in the AM. The farther west you go, the lighter the rain becomes on Sunday morning. By mid to late morning, the steady rain shield is gone. Northeast wind gusts 20-40+ along the Coast all day long. In a word…ugly. Oh and temperatures will only be in the 40s…ugly and cold.

Sunday Afternoon/Evening:
The main rain shield moves north into Maine and Southern New England is cold and grey for the rest of the day. There will be some additional showers on the backside of the storm, in fact, with temperatures north and west of Boston in the low 40s, I wouldn't be shocked if some graupel or wet snow flakes mixed in somewhere.
Winds will turn to the north-northeast and remain gusty, 20-40mph.

So there you have it. Brunch and board games? Movie day for mom? It's all good…temperatures by the middle to end of next week will soar into the 70s and 80s, summah is just around the corner!

You can follow Terry on Twitter at @TerryWBZ.

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