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Mother Of Celina Cass Says The Last Year Has Been "Hell"

WEST STEWARTSTOWN, NH (CBS) - It will be one year since Celina Cass disappeared from her home in tiny West Stewartstown, New Hampshire. A week later, divers found her body in the Connecticut River about a half mile from her home.

As the anniversary approaches, Celina's family is frustrated that no one has been arrested or charged.

"Every day is a battle for me. I miss her so very very much," says a teary Louisa Cass, Celina's mother,

She describes the year since her daughter was murdered as "hell." The 11-year-old was found at the bottom of a dam. All Louisa knows is that her daughter was "brutally killed."

While Louisa grieves, that killer walks free.

"We have a feeling we know who did this," Louisa says. "But feeling and justification isn't there. You have to have proof."

Louisa won't reveal who she thinks killed her daughter, except to say she believes it is a person she knows.

"Do you feel this person would do something to other children?" asked WBZ-TV. "Yes and I fear for me and Kayla's lives," she answered, referring to Celina's older sister.

Louisa separated from Celina's stepfather Wendell Noyes shortly after the murder. He was the subject of a number of questions during grand jury proceedings earlier this year.

WBZ-TV attempted to speak with Noyes but he closed the door on them.

The lead prosecutor on the case, Jane Young has never named a suspect. But she now confirms investigators do have a working theory.

"The investigation is a focused investigation. We continue to gather evidence to vet out whether our theory is accurate or not," she explained.

Young says the number of man hours devoted to the case are unprecedented.

Louisa wears Celina's ashes in a cross around her neck, close to her heart. She prays for the evidence that will finally solve this case. And she hopes her daughter's killer is haunted by what happened a year ago.

"I hope he lives a living hell," she says. "I hope he goes through what I go through every day."

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