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More Women Ditching The Color To Go Gray

 BOSTON (CBS) -  Many women start pulling them out one-by-one, but soon the gray hair takes over and it is time to head to the salon.

That can mean a life-long relationship with a colorist. But now, many women are choosing to go natural. "It's the simplest thing and I love it," said one striking beautiful woman in her 50's with a full head of silver hair.

WBZ-TV's Paula Ebben reports

These days, going gray is becoming a popular choice even for celebrities. Jamie Curtis and Meryl Streep have both gone fashionably gray and Nicole Kidman has let her gray roots show.

Gray is even showing up on the runway. Very young models have their hair dyed with streaks of gray. Some young starts have gone as far as to die their hair gray. Kelly Osborne and Pink both gave it a brief try.

Related: Give up dye and going gray

Fashion Model Susan Hersh went gray 8 years ago and is busier now than she was when she was blonde. "That really has become my trademark," she said. It has also made her life much simpler. "I used to have to get my hair colored every four weeks because when I was blonde, the roots would show," she said.

 After battling the gray for years, 40-year-old Jessica Topper decided to let nature take over. "I found that for the last several years, I was scheduling my life around my hair appointments or my hair appointments around my life," she said. She loves the results, but admits the transition was tough. "There were plenty of times when I worried what people would think, especially when I had half a head of gray hair and half brown," she said.

If you decided to go gray, hair stylists say a good cut is essential. Gray hair can also be coarser that colored, so may need some extra deep conditioning.

The added bonus is all that extra money you'll have in your pocket. For many women, keeping the gray covered can cost thousands of dollars a year.

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