Scientists Discover Rocky, Earth-Sized Worlds Just 40 Light Years Away
CAMBRIDGE (CBS) – Earthlike planets capable of supporting life might not be all that far away.
Scientists at MIT and elsewhere announced this week that recently discovered planets only 40 light years from Earth are primarily rocky, as opposed to gaseous, like Jupiter.
"These findings further strengthen the case that these planets may indeed be habitable," MIT said in a statement.
MIT also figured out that the two planets had atmospheres similar to Earth, Venus and Mars.
But what are the chances that life actually exists in this nearby system? Researchers say organisms probably would have a much harder time thriving on these planets because they orbit very close to their star, which results in high radiation exposure. Plus, both planets have permanent day and night sides.
"Of course, our ideas of habitability are very narrow because we only have one planet to look at so far, and life might well surprise us by flourishing in what we think of as unlikely conditions," astrophysicist Joanna Barstow told MIT.
The researchers are now trying to raise money to buy $400,000 telescopes that can help identify other potentially habitable planets.