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Woman Reunited With $40,000 Violin By MBTA Police

BOSTON (CBS) -- Amy Sims said she was "a little teary" when she was reunited with her $40,000 violin by MBTA Transit Police Wednesday morning.

It was the culmination of over a week of searching after she accidentally left the instrument at South Station just after midnight June 10 after a grueling day of travel.

"My heart was in my throat for ten days," Sims said. "I was worried that it could become damaged. It's very susceptible to heat and sun exposure, as well as humidity and moisture."

Transit Police said a woman picked up the violin after it had been left behind. They said that woman is no longer a person of interest, and that she cooperated fully--and Sims said she is very grateful.

"I especially want to give my heartfelt thanks to the woman who picked it up in the subway where I had left it," she said. "Within ten minutes it was actually in her hands for safe-keeping, and she did the right thing and turned it back in to MBTA authorities."

Sims said that woman probably didn't realize the value of the violin, which was handmade in New York in 1855 and is a huge part of her life.

She also thanked Transit Police, and her friends and colleagues who helped get word out about the lost instrument.

She says she's still shocked she left the prized violin in the first place, since she said she's usually constantly aware of where it is.

"It's going to amp up my awareness again," she said.

Sims said it was a little out of tune but seems fine--and that she'll get it checked out just in case.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Carl Stevens reports

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