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Millbury Mother Upset As Son's Gravesite Keeps Collapsing

MILLBURY (CBS) – Dawn Light buried her 22-year-old son Zach in January after he died following a seizure, but says he's not at peace because his gravesite keeps caving in.

"This isn't about someone making a mistake. This is about not fixing someone's final resting place, not letting my baby rest in peace," said Light.

The single mother, who also buried her husband in the same plot three years ago at Central Cemetery in Millbury, is devastated after she says the grave gave way during a visit last month.

"All of the sudden I was in a three foot hole. I couldn't get out. It was up to here and I fell on my face, turned around and dug myself out," said Light.

Light has been to Town Hall several times to have it fixed, but says the problems keep coming back with the ground not settling.

"God took him that wasn't fair. Now I have to keep coming and reburying him and covering him up with a blanket like I did for 22 years," said Light.

Town Manager David Marciello says the grave is a double plot, which means it's 12-feet deep, not the traditional six.

That combined with the weather is slowing a permanent solution.

"So as the weather allows us we're completely topping off, we're compacting it. We're dealing with what we can based on the weather," said Marciello.

Light says she can't grieve until it's fixed and plans to keep checking in with the town.

"Every day I'll come and see if it's being done and then I'll have another funeral, a priest will come and I'll come and I'll put him to rest," said Light.

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