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Milder Weekend Ahead

Temperatures will return to the 30s today along with a light breeze.

High pressure will start to lose a little grip on our weather as well.

High clouds will be around from time-to-time as a warm front approaches from our southwest. 

This front passes north of Southern New England tonight. As it does so, there will be a slight chance of a rain/snow showers sneaking into the Western Mass./Berkshires and Northern New England.  This will put us in the warm sector for the weekend. 

Watch Melissa's forecast:

This Weekend: An upper level ridge makes it hard for a cold front to our west to make much eastward progress. Thus, the cold front becomes nearly stationary. This means steady, heavy pockets of rain will fall in the midwest through New York state. 

The ridge finally breaks down by late-day Sunday allowing the rain to makes it way into our neighborhoods.  The rain will be heaviest Sunday night. 

Then, the GFS shows a less amplified, more progressive pattern Monday, while the EURO shows a more amplified pattern slowing the eastward movement.  My gut says that the EURO's slower solution is the most likely.

Consequently, I expect the rain to continue through late-afternoon/early evening Monday. The tail-end of the precipitation may include a rain/snow combo before completely tapering off. 

Overall, rainfall amounts are expected to fall between .50"-1".  The best part of this weekend's forecast (in my opinion) is the temperatures.  Highs wil be near 50F on Saturday and middle 50s on Sunday. 

More tranquil weather moves in Tuesday of next week. 


Melissa :)

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