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Milan Lucic will offer some fighting tips for rookie Johnny Beecher

BOSTON -- When Johnny Beecher stepped onto the ice for his first NHL game on Wednesday night in Boston, he surely wasn't expecting to be dropping his gloves.

But hockey moves quickly, and after the Blackhawks took issue with Beecher's hit from behind on Cole Guttman, the rookie was immediately challenged to a fight.

Though Beecher's just 22 years old and entered the game with no NHL experience, he certainly held his own against Jason Dickinson:

Jason Dickinson vs John Beecher Oct 11, 2023 by on YouTube

Beecher was assessed a two-minute minor for boarding, but Dickinson was given an instigating penalty, leading to 5-on-5 play after the fight and a 10-minute misconduct for him.

"Just trying to make a big hit," Beecher said of the sequence. "Unfortunately caught the guy at a little bit of an awkward angle. And it just is what it is at this point. Had to kind of turn around and face what had to come. No problem with doing it. I was actually able to kind of offset the penalty, so it worked."

While the 6-foot-3, 216-pound Beecher did a solid job in his first NHL fight, veteran Milan Lucic said he'll be offering some pointers to his linemate in case Beecher finds himself in such a situation again.

"He did well. I mean obviously he did well," a smiling Lucic said. "He could use a little work, so I could give him a few pointers. But good to see him stand up for himself there."

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