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Melrose steps up to help employees with disabilities who lost jobs at coffee shop

Melrose steps up to help employees with disabilities who lost jobs at coffee shop
Melrose steps up to help employees with disabilities who lost jobs at coffee shop 02:41

MELROSE - It was just last summer when WBZ brought you to a celebration that could make your heart swell: Bitty and Beau's in Melrose marking one year in business. 

"I loved being part of a team and being able to show my abilities and not my disabilities. Being able to shine and being a member of society, what we all want right?" said employee Alana Russo of Bedford. 

But six months later, the local franchise owners were forced to make the heartbreaking financial decision to close the coffee shop. 

"What's been a real disappointment, if I can be really frank, is that we've heard nothing from Bitty & Beau's the parent company. Feels like they lost sight of their mission when it comes to that," said parent Joy Kruppa, in reference to the 30 or so employees who were left jobless. 

The city of Melrose, and the local people who owned the franchise, have wrapped their arms around these workers and their families… by bringing together unemployment representatives, benefits specialists, and job counselors. 

"To really help people see there are supports, they can get back on the horse, and feel confident that what they have gained will not get lost and can transfer in lots of different work environments," said Toni Wolf of the Mass Rehab Commission.  

These bright men and women know they have so much to offer. 

"A greeting job maybe in the community or a drink maker job somewhere else, maybe Starbucks or Dunks," said optimistic job seeker Kevin Burke of Melrose. 

"I am a people person and I love talking to other people. I know I am a very hardworking man," said Brady Maher from Lynn. 

"I want to try next to move on more and be out there now. That's one of my goals to get out there," said Casey O'Donnell of Melrose. 

Bringing valuable skills, and contagious joy, to whomever is lucky enough to employ them next.  

WBZ received a statement which read:

"B&B Worldwide Inc, the franchisor of Bitty & Beau's Coffee, announced today that effective March 15, 2023, its franchise shop in Melrose, MA is closing. Franchise shops are individually owned and operated. B&B Worldwide is actively pursuing a new Bitty & Beau's Coffee franchise location in Boston proper. We are grateful for the hard work and dedication the employees in Melrose have demonstrated over the past year and a half and hope that our mission has inspired other businesses to consider hiring individuals with disabilities."

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