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MBTA Hopes 'See Say' App Will Improve Safety

BOSTON (CBS) - The MBTA has unveiled a new app to help improve safety on the T.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Doug Cope reports.


The See Say app will enable T riders to instantly report any suspicious activity to transit police.

"What is really unique about it is they will be able to take a picture with this new app and send that right along (to) us with a report of what the suspicious behavior or unusual behavior is," MBTA Police Chief Paul MacMillan told WBZ.

It's all part of the T's "If you see something, say something" campaign.

The MBTA is the first transit system in the country to launch the new smart phone app.

MacMillian said if it's a true emergency, call 911 or use the app to call the Transit Police.

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