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Mass. Pot Shops Report Over $2 Million In Marijuana Sales Since Opening

BOSTON (CBS) – In their first five days of business, the two retail marijuana establishments in Massachusetts reported sales of more than $2 million.

The Cannabis Control Commission released sales figures from Tuesday, Nov. 20 through Sunday, Nov. 25 for NETA in Northampton and Cultivate in Leicester. Gross sales total $2,217,621 for 56,380 units purchased.

The data shows Friday was the most profitable day, with the pot shops reporting just under $480,000 in sales. The average spent per unit purchased is $39.33, the commission says.

Recreational marijuana stores in Salem, Wareham and Easthampton have all been issued final licenses from the state and hope to open soon.

In Leicester, the Board of Selectmen held an emergency meeting Monday night as traffic has been worse than expected. Cultivate estimates it has served about 1,000 customers every day since its opening.

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