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Mass. wildlife agency upgrades office to prevent bird collisions

HADLEY - The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is going an extra step in its efforts to protect birds by upgrading its northeast headquarters to prevent bird collisions.

The agency announced Friday that it will install markings on exterior windows of its regional office in Hadley, Mass. The markings will be arranged in a pattern designed to alert birds to the presence of glass windows before it's too late.

The agency also programmed its interior lights to switch off at night to reduce the risk of attracting birds.

In its announcement, the Fish and Wildlife Service said it hoped to lead by example and encouraged private property owners to do their part. Turning off unused lights at night will reduce bird collisions while also saving energy, agency officials noted.

"Today birds face serious declines across the globe," said Pam Toschik, who directs the service's northeast migratory bird program. "Understanding why birds collide with structures can lead to effective solutions for reducing the risk of collisions."

Birds often don't recognize glass windows and can be tricked by reflections of sky or physical surroundings. According to the service, nearly 1 billion birds collide with glass in the U.S. each year. Many are killed or seriously injured. 

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