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Prayer Service Held For Newton Man Hurt In NYC Terror Attack

NEWTON (CBS) -- With heavy hearts, dozens gathered at St. Bernard Parish Sunday morning for a special prayer service to the victims of New York's terror attack.

Martin Marro is from Newton. He is currently recovering in the hospital after being seriously injured in the attack on a New York City bike path.

Martin Marro
Martin Marro. (Image Credit: Tom Mountain Repbulican State Committeeman/Facebook)

Last week's attack killed eight people, including five of Marro's high school classmates who had come to the U.S. from Argentina to celebrate the 30th anniversary of their graduation.

Albie Alvarez-Cote is friends with Martin's wife, Maria. She just returned from New York after spending time with the family in the hospital.

"The fact that Martin was still in the hospital, I thought she really need someone to be with her," Cote said.

The Marro family says Martin is expected to a full recovery, but the pain of all they lost will scar them forever.

"The whole time we were with Maria in the hospital, and just making sure she was okay and that we were there for her. Then we placed an Argentine flag at the site of the attack," Albie said.

Albie's husband Jim offered up a special prayer during Sunday's mass.

"For the victims, survivors, and families from the attack in New York that God will give them strength, new beginnings and free them from hate and revenge. Lord hear our prayer," Jim Cote prayed.

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