'March For Our Lives' Shines Light On Inner-City Gun Violence
BOSTON (CBS) -- While the 'March for our Lives' across the country focused on gun control as a result of the Florida school shooting that killed 17, it also highlighted gun violence in general.
As Boston's march began in Roxbury, activists were quick to point that out.
"How long until we see no more people losing their lives in inner-city communities?" asked a Marjory Stoneham Douglas alumni to the crowd on the Boston Common.
- PHOTOS: March For Our Lives Boston
"We are here united until no child ever lives with the fear of a bullet," Leonor Munoz said.
All nine of the homicides in Boston this year were shootings.
"Too many young kids die in this country every day from street violence and unfortunately, Parkland happened but we have a major issue--a major gun issue," said Boston Police Commissioner William Evans.
At the march in Washington, child after child spoke up about the reality of living in fear of inner-city gun violence.
Edna Chavez said, "I have lived in South LA my entire life and have lost many loved ones to gun violence. This is normal, normal to the point that I've learned to duck from bullets before I learned how to read."
Christopher Underwood said, "Senseless gun violence took away my childhood and nothing in my life was ever the same because I no longer have my best friend."
One girl who spoke about how gun violence affected her life was just 11-years-old.