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Driver Unharmed After Car Explodes In Manchester, NH

MANCHESTER (CBS) - Chris Forand walked away without any injuries after his car exploded Monday morning.

The car dealership employee's heart raced as he talked about being in the car.

"It's on fire, the car is on fire, the building, it was wild. I put it in park, I go to open the door and bang," said Forand.

Forand was dropping off empty oxygen and acetylene tanks at Matheson Industrial Gas from his family's car dealership in Manchester.

The gases are used for blow torches to cut medal.

He walked away from the accident without a scratch.

"I got lucky, somebody was watching over me," said Forand.

The Manchester Fire Dept. is investigating what caused the blast, but they believe the tanks tipped over and somehow started leaking in the trunk. Fire Marshal Peter Lennon said the gases could have ignited from a number of things including the trunk latch opening.

"You don't want to transport them a trunk. They definitely need to transported in a pickup truck, ventilated area with anchored down, and valve protection," said Lennon.

Forand wants others to be careful, but isn't making anymore tank deliveries himself.

"They're going to be coming here. I'm never doing that again," said Forand.

Two employees at Matheson were also nearby when the car exploded. They were checked out and were also OK.

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