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Lucchino: 'These Are Going To Be Exciting Times'

BOSTON (CBS) -- Larry Lucchino says he's looking forward to this year's baseball season more than most. Between the vast amount of snow Boston has received, and the plays the Red Sox have made in the off-season, Lucchino says he's ready to start again.

"These are going to be exciting times," the Red Sox president and CEO recently told WBZ sports anchor Dan Roche.

"We finished third last year. We're trying not to forget that throughout this offseason and act accordingly."

Lucchino said there were a lot of ideas bantered around during the off-season and scenarios "war-gamed."

"It's fair to say that we hit on all cylinders in the offseason," he said.

The team they have now has Lucchino's confidence. He was quick to say they're not celebrating anything yet, "It's January." But he recognized the interest in the team.

As the former president of the San Diego Padres, Lucchino said he has known about Adrian Gonzalez for a long time, and he's a good addition to the Sox.

He said playing on the west coast, three hours later than the eastern games, some players have to wait a while to get the recognition that they otherwise might get sooner, and Gonzalez falls into that category.

"I think he's going to be an enormously productive and popular player here as he was in San Diego," Lucchino said. "He is a guy who performs on the field. He plays hard all the time and who is great off the field. He has a big heart and a real sense of community. He's eager to get involved in this community as a Red Sox."

As for the seven-year, $142-million deal the Sox and Carl Crawford signed, Lucchino said he had no idea the "Crawford sweepstakes" was going to end as quickly and as successfully as it did.

Lucchino encourages fans to get their tickets early as there will be a great demand to see this team this season.

"There are still hundreds of thousands of tickets available," he said, advising people to "plan early."

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