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Lowell Mother Charged With Punching 10-Year-Old Daughter In Face

LOWELL (CBS) - A mother in Lowell has been charged with punching her ten-year-old daughter in the face.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Karen Twomey reports


Twenty-seven-year-old Carla Williams was ordered held on $500 bail after pleading not guilty at her arraignment Wednesday in Lowell District Court on charges of assault and battery on a child.

Williams' daughter told police she was playing across the street from their Ennell Street home Tuesday evening when her mother came outside screaming.

The girl said she wasn't sure what she did wrong, so she ran into a neighbor's house.

Police told WBZ-TV Williams pulled her daughter out of the neighbor's house by her hair, dragged her up a flight of steps by her leg and then punched her in the face and gave her a bloody nose.

Witnesses told investigators Williams yelled at her daughter, "I'm sick of you ruining my life."

The girl ran into her bedroom and called 911.

Officers said Williams admitting to punching her daughter and told them she has a right to discipline her child as she wants.

Williams was arrested and spent the night in jail.

The girl was taken to Lowell General Hospital for treatment. The Department of Children and Families is also looking into the incident.

If Williams posts bail, she has been ordered to stay away from the witnesses and firearms and not abuse her daughter.

She is due back in court July 2.

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