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Lebron Glad He Posterized Celtics' Terry: 'J.T. Talks Too Much Sometimes'

BOSTON (CBS) - It's a play that has been the talk of the NBA world since Monday night, and now the two main players are speaking about it.

Though their views are a tad bit different from each others.

With just over five minutes remaining in the the first half of Miami's 105-103 win over Boston on Monday, LeBron James went full steam to the basket following a Boston turnover. As he received a lob pass from Norris Cole, he found the only thing standing between him and a highlight jam was Jason Terry.

Watch: LeBron's Dunk Over Terry

There wasn't much Terry could do to defend the monstrous slam by James, so he stood his ground (or attempted to), took the contact and went flying to the floor -- with a whistle shortly following him.

James had the hoop and the harm, though it looked like most of the harm was done to Terry. Always outspoken, Terry didn't have much to say of the play Wednesday as the Celtics prepared for their Wednesday night matchup with the New Orleans Hornets.

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"I'm not even commenting. No comment. Zero. I have none," Terry said from New Orleans. "A basketball play."

Terry and James have had a bit of a rivalry since 2011, when Terry's Dallas Mavericks beat Lebron, Dwyane Wade and the Heat in the NBA Finals. Terry said LeBron would have a tough time guarding him during that series, and added more fuel to the flames last week when he said he didn't find the Heat's win streak (now up to 23 games) all that impressive.

So Lebron saw his highlight dunk as a chance to send a message to Terry, and he echoed that feeling on Wednesday.

"It's one of my better ones and the fact that it happened to J.T. makes it even that much sweeter because we all know J.T. talks too much sometimes," James said from Cleveland. "I'm glad it happened to him."

James struck a pose after the jam, and received a taunting technical for it. Terry found his way to the free throw line, and that's the only thing that drew a reaction from the Celtics sharpshooter.

"My reaction was when the fans were cheering and I went up and knocked down the technical. That's a great reaction," he said.

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The play comes a week after Los Angeles Clippers center DeAndre Jordan posterized Detroit Pistons guard Brandon Knight with a highlight dunk of his own. Knight had to put up with numerous Twitter taunts and pictures of him on the ground, and Terry will likely have to deal with the same.

But Terry isn't going to change his approach. He's been dunked on plenty of times before, and standing at 6-2, he expects it to happen again.

"Wasn't the first, won't be the last," he said casually.

James' comments on Wednesday will just add more to the already stellar Celtics-Heat rivalry, and the personal one between him and Terry. The Celtics and Heat have one more regular season meeting in Miami in April, and seem to be on a collision course in the playoffs.

If that collision course is anything like Monday night's highlight, Jason Terry may want to make sure he has better footing.

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