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Last Week Of Winter

Here we go. It's the last Monday for the Winter Season 2010-2011.  It will be mostly cloudy and somewhat cool for a mid-March day. Highs will range from the upper 30s to lower 40s.  There's a slight chance of a brief shower or flurry thry late afternoon as piece of energy at the 500H sweeps across New England. 

Temperatures reach the seasonbale middle and upper 40s on Tuesday and Wednesday. High pressure at the surface and weak ridging aloft allow for a mostly sunny/partly cloudy day on Tuesday. However, a southern stream area of low pressure approaches the area for a soggy mid-week.  There's potential of a wintry mix early Wednesday morning, and then,  a rainy day is anticipated.  Models are showing approximately .50-.75" of rain with this system. 

St. Patrick's Day: Sunny skies with highs in the middle 50s. It's the 'Luck of the Irish'! :)

Temperature will be flirting with 60F Friday ahead of a cold front.   The cold front associated with this low pressure system will pass by Saturday morning returning high temps back to status quo.

VERNAL EQUINOX is 7:21pm this Sunday, March 20. *The VERNAL EQUILUX (equal hours of day/night) is Saint Patrick's Day w/ sunrise @ 6:53am and sunset @ 6:53pm.*

Melissa :)


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