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Kraft Talks About Pats, Jets Game

FOXBORO (CBS) -- This game is a big one. Everyone on the NFL landscape has something to say about the Pats and the Jets Monday night affair.

In the press box there are reporters from the west coast who have been flown in to cover this.

Even Mr. Kraft had to admit this is a big game. The Patriots owner did a radio show this morning and then afterward he talked about the game's importance.

"We had a family gathering last night for the holiday and we were chatting among ourselves and I said to Jonathan [Kraft], 'In the 17 years we've owned the team, this is the biggest regular-season game in our history,'" Kraft responded.

"I was in Florida, New York and one other state, and everywhere people were saying 'Good luck Monday night.' So there has been a tremendous focus. The fact that we're both 9-2 and in the same division, the impact is so great with a possible [playoff] seed -- No. 1 or the fifth or possibly sixth seed and lack of home-field advantage. It has created this buzz. It's going to be a lot of fun."

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