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Knuckleheads And Hurricane Irene.....

       I would appreciate it if you'd round up the usual suspects.  You know who they are.    Mostly its the radio and TV hosts with ratings that are lower than whale poop and they seize the moment to prove......beyond a reasonable doubt....they really are knuckleheads with an axe to grind.    At this moment, I've got the axe and I don't mind telling you, it's grinding my nerves to listen to these people ripping apart the local and national news organizations, the weather channel included, for totally blowing the threat of Hurricane Irene out of proportion.  That did not happen.

     It was not.......I repeat......IT WAS NOT blown out of proportion.  Irene killed more than two dozen people along its journey through several states....that's not a huge story?    Irene caused billions......YES BILLIONS of dollars in damages in several states......not a major story?      Give me a freekin' break!   But wait, there's more.    One of the better known radio knuckleheads (yes, with poop ratings) was pontificating that when Irene reached New England, she wasn't even a hurricane anymore.....and was not much more than a 30 MPH breeze.   Did he see the homes destroyed in New England, the people KILLED in New England, the rampaging rivers ripping through towns, homes ripped from their foundations, trees uprooted like match sticks, cars floating down streams like a child's toy, the reservoirs that were swollen by upwards of 90-feet of water, the heroic rescues and evacuations, the power lines shredded and the notices that some of us will be without power for more than a week??????????         NO, this particular knucklehead is from the Peoples Republic of Cambridge and wouldn't know a news story if it hit him in the puss.

     And I never even got to the millions and millions of issues on the oceanfront.    Yes, Irene petered a bit when she got close to New England, but still caused chaos....and in sheer size and volume alone, Irene was of epic proportions and if you don't think that deserves some hype and precautionary warnings.....enjoy yourself on Fantasy Island (or in Cambridge).

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