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Keller @ Large: Why You Should Vote Today

BOSTON (CBS) - Have you voted yet?

Don't be embarrassed if you have no idea what I'm talking about, I bet you have plenty of company.

Listen to Jon's commentary:


Today is presidential primary day here in Massachusetts, and the ballot has generated little competition and even less excitement.

On the Democratic side, President Obama is unopposed.

In the Republican race, while there are some Republicans who don't care for former Gov. Mitt Romney, the chances of Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul or Rick Santorum beating him here in his home state are non-existent.

And if Dr. Jill Stein of Lexington can't manage to beat the two others on the Green Party ballot, she ought to hang it up right now.

Independents can pick up any party ballot without jeopardizing their unenrolled status, but few will bother to do so, and that's a shame.

Here are some good reasons why they and all party members should re-think their apathy and get over to the polls before they close tonight at 8.

Democrats have a chance to counter all the talk about flagging enthusiasm for Mr. Obama by turning out in decent numbers to give him a boost.

Showing up will also help him and other candidates on the party ticket to identify and mobilize you this fall, and trust me, they're going to need every last one of you to turn out.

Republicans also can make a statement by giving Romney the widest possible victory margin, or, if you prefer, by casting your anti-Romney protest vote before it's too late.

(By the way, former candidates Rick Perry, Jon Huntsman, and Michelle Bachmann remain on the ballot, for those of you who like esoteric protest.)

And for everyone who says "aw, I'll just wait for November," that's fine.

Just don't complain about the choices come the fall, because they're being chosen today, with you, or without you.

You can listen to Keller At Large on WBZ News Radio every weekday at 7:55 a.m. and 12:25 p.m. You can also watch Jon on WBZ-TV News.

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