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Keller @ Large: What Goes Around Comes Around

BOSTON (CBS) - I glanced at the sports page this morning and saw something that stunned me.

Tiger Woods pulled out of this week's pro golf tour event after shooting a 42 over nine holes.

Listen to Jon's commentary:



I have shot a 42 for nine, and if you ever saw me play golf, you would appreciate just how terrible a performance that truly is.

According to the story I saw, Tiger, who has not won a tournament since his life very publicly fell apart over Thanksgiving of 2009, claims his round - which included an especially wretched triple bogey - was torpedoed by a recurrence of the injuries that have been plaguing him lately: "The knee acted up and then the Achilles followed after that, and then the calf started cramping up. Everything started getting tight, so it's just a whole chain reaction."

But the columnist reporting this added the observation that when Tiger climbed some stairs as he was leaving the golf club, he "took them by two."

So there you have it.

A year and a half after his fall from grace, Tiger appears to be still receiving punishment for his sins of dishonesty and infidelity, taking a beating physically, professionally, and emotionally.

And a man whose every excess was once overlooked by an adoring press and public is now given absolutely no slack at all.

Experts say his leg problems were caused by pumping too much iron. They suggest his putting is off because he doesn't practice it enough. Once hyped as a golfing god, he is now more commonly portrayed as a lonely, whiny loser.


I won't cry for Tiger. He's still a millionaire. But I also wouldn't trade places with him for every last penny of it.

Would you?

You can listen to Keller At Large on WBZ News Radio every weekday at 7:55 a.m. and 12:25 p.m. You can also watch Jon on WBZ-TV News.

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