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Keller @ Large: Thomas Episode 'A Field Day For The Self-Righteous'

BOSTON (CBS) - There are many wonderful aspects of the times we live in – you know, stuff like e-mail, fresh sushi readily available, and cute puppy videos on YouTube.

Listen to Jon's commentary:


But one of the things about this moment in time that is not so wonderful is our relentless compulsion to seek out controversy and grievances, and to create them where they do not really exist.

Exhibit A is the uproar, now subsiding at the rate of air escaping from a severely-slashed tire, over Bruins goalie Tim Thomas's decision to skip Monday's White House commemoration of the team's Stanley Cup championship.

After the event was over, Thomas issued a statement explaining that he chose not to attend as a way of expressing his concern over what he sees as the "out of control" growth of government at all levels encroaching on "the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People."

And he explained that "this was not about politics or party, as in my opinion both parties are responsible for the situation."

OK, no big deal, right?

The guy has some deeply-held beliefs that made his feel uncomfortable attending the event, so he stayed away, and explained his absence without insulting the president or denigrating the occasion.

But that's not the way many saw it.

In the last 24 hours, I've heard Thomas scorched for somehow being selfish, a kook, unpatriotic, and a detriment to the Bruins.

Wrote one e-mailer to my Facebook page: "He has stirred up a big distraction that his teammates didn't need. Every city the Bruins visit will have reporters asking him and his teammates about this."

No, I don't think so.

Thomas has said he won't have any further comment, clearly signaling that he's not going to engage in any kind of political crusade.

And this is far from the first time an athlete has skipped a White House event like this, or expressed a political opinion without causing such huge controversy.

The whole thing has been a classic example of grievance culture run wild, making a firestorm out of nothing, a field day for the self-righteous.

I realize that's what many of us like to do these days with our spare time, but please, take my three words of advice – switch to decaf.

You can listen to Keller At Large on WBZ News Radio every weekday at 7:55 a.m. and 12:25 p.m. You can also watch Jon on WBZ-TV News.

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