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Keller @ Large: Nice Things To Say About Mitt Romney

BOSTON (CBS) - As I said yesterday, I was among those unimpressed by Mitt Romney's showing in the Iowa caucuses.

Listen to Jon's commentary:


The failure to improve on his vote total of 2008 after four years of pitching woo to Republicans, despite roughly the same overall turnout in Iowa and a more divided field of opponents this time around, doesn't speak well of Romney's marketability to the conservatives who dominate his party.

His closing stump speech, in which he lapsed into patriotic rhetoric more suited to someone putting the finishing touches on a victory than to someone struggling for one, suggests he still isn't quite sure what those conservatives need to hear from him before they'll give in to his argument that he's the only one who can beat the incumbent next fall.

I'm just giving you my honest opinion, but I did get a few calls and e-mails from miffed Romney supporters wondering what I have against their man, including one who wondered:

"Don't you have anything nice to say about Mitt Romney?"

Well, yes I do, and here it is – the man is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

He's already been a governor and a very successful entrepreneur.

He could just as well be off enjoying his money, following the endless summer, and romping with the grandkids, and frankly, were I in his shoes, that's what I'd be doing.

Instead, Romney has spent the past four years grinding away at one of the more unpleasant tasks under the sun – running for president.

I just returned from Iowa, where I saw him run an endless gantlet of gawkers, obnoxious media, and other assorted fools, suffering them all gladly, or at least pretending to.

I'm dry-eyed about that, if he wants the power, that's what it takes.

But the man should be commended for caring enough to want to endure the nightmare of running, as should other serious candidates.

And besides that, I've never been treated less than graciously by Romney, which is more than I can say for some pols I've covered.

So there's two nice things.

And for now, that's the best I can do.

You can listen to Keller At Large on WBZ News Radio every weekday at 7:55 a.m. and 12:25 p.m. You can also watch Jon on WBZ-TV News.

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