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Keller @ Large: Greatest Hockey Game Ever

BOSTON (CBS) - I'm no hockey expert, but I am a longtime fan. I remember when they traded for Carol Vadnais.

So needless to say, last night was one of the more enjoyable evenings of my life as a fan. And given the unbelievable things that went on, I'm glad I took some notes on what I went through period by period.

See if my game experience matches yours:

Listen to Jon's commentary:


First period:

Why are the Canucks icing the puck so often without being under that much pressure? Because the Bruins are pounding on them and they don't like it. They prefer to dish it out at home, but all of a sudden the refs are not calling penalties to help them....OK, there's the first goal. We needed to get that....Blindsiding Chara at the end of the period? That is going to turn out to be a mistake.

Second period:

They should have tied it, but the puck bounces right over Sedin's stick, an apt symbol of Vancouver's season... if there is such a thing as negative karma, the Rogers Center is the Fort Knox of it right now… Looks like the big hit didn't rattle Chara… oh my gosh what a save he made behind Thomas! This is starting to feel like our night, but we need another goal... A wraparound by Marchand that gets put into net by a roaming Luongo doing what he criticized Thomas for doing? Are you kidding me? Somehow I don't think the Bruins will let up after what happened last year. Oh my GOSH what a goal by Bergeron, he flattened Luongo. I am almost starting to feel sorry for Lunong. Almost. Meanwhile they're going to have to chloroform Thomas to get one past him, and even then his unconscious body will probably make the save.

Third period:

Love the two old vets, Ryder and Recchi, huffing and puffing and showing the kids how its done. Vancouver is starting to lose their cool…too bad… their fans now invisible, regretting the average $5,000 they paid… And the final goal…Brad Marchand for president…

Game over.

Bruins win!

Hockey is king in Boston again.

And guess what?

I heard a rumor the Red Sox have already started their season.

You can listen to Keller At Large on WBZ News Radio every weekday at 7:55 a.m. and 12:25 p.m. You can also watch Jon on WBZ-TV News.

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