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Keller @ Large: Garbage Day In Presidential Race

BOSTON (CBS) - If you are one of those handful of heavily-courted voters who still hasn't made up your mind which presidential candidate to vote for, you may safely take today off from your deliberations without fear of missing something important.

Listen to Jon's commentary:


Today, it seems, has been designated a garbage delivery day by partisans on both sides of the aisle.

For a couple of days now, we've been told to expect to hear the human self-parody, Donald Trump, unveil a "gigantic" news story that will supposedly blow this race wide open.

Tuesday night, it was reported that the big scoop will involve documents suggesting the president and Mrs. Obama considered divorcing at one point during their now-20-year marriage.

Sounds false to me, as does most everything that oozes out of Trump. But let's for the sake of argument assume it's true.

So what?

They appear quite happily married now. How this news would change the vote of anyone who can fog up a mirror is beyond me.

But never fear, Trump's garbage dump seems likely to be matched by celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred, who is said to be trying to unseal impounded court documents in which Mitt Romney supposedly backed up a friend's account of how he made his fortune during a bitter divorce proceeding.

I'm not even sure what Romney's transgression is supposed to be here, but I'm guessing it's supposed to be proof of his "war on women," a spin that independent female voters appear to be rejecting in droves.

I've got a message for Trump, Allred, and other self-styled eleventh-hour political-garbage delivery systems – get lost.

These are serious times, and we have a lot on our minds.

Don't annoy us with long-lost trivia and character assassination.

Instead, take your scoops and scoop up your garbage and take it home with you.

Or, to put it another way, take it back to the dump.

You can listen to Keller At Large on WBZ News Radio every weekday at 7:55 a.m. and 12:25 p.m. You can also watch Jon on WBZ-TV News.

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