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Keller @ Large: Expect Tight Security Near The Garden After Game 6

BOSTON (CBS) - Boston police are preparing for the worst Monday night (or best, depending on how you look at it).

One way or another, the Stanley Cup will be at the Garden for Game 6. Whichever team wins Saturday in Vancouver would have the chance to clinch.

If it happens to be the Bruins, officials want to make sure any potential celebration goes down peacefully.

Police are ready with a security plan they've been refining since the tragic events of 2004, when post-game street celebrations after the red sox won the pennant and the patriots won the super bowl were marred by vandalism and fatal violence.

WBZ-TV's Jon Keller reports

To help keep things peaceful, access to the North Station area would be blocked after the second period of game six, and if you aren't in an area bar by then, you won't be allowed in. Police presence there and in Kenmore Square would be heavy, as well.

A couple of other safety measures: if you want to make a quick exit from Garden-area parking garages, you'd better leave before the arena empties out, because police may lock down those garages until the streets clear.

On top of that, the MBTA reserves the right to close down North Station T stop if necessary and send fans down to government center instead.

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