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Keller @ Large: Baker's Beef With Trump

BOSTON (CBS) - Gov. Charlie Baker was furious Monday night when he first learned of Donald Trump's call for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the US." And when we caught up with him Tuesday night, he was still steaming.

"To pick one religion out the way Donald Trump did I think is ridiculous," he said.

But it's not just moral outrage that's bugging Baker.

His struggle to shed the political albatross of his party's right wing dates back to his 2012 primary race with arch-conservative Mark Fisher, who called for the destruction of "this liberal big tent."

We asked the governor: is what Trump said included under the GOP's big tent?

"I certainly believe in a big tent, OK? But I also believe that... what people want more than anything out of their public officials is a capacity to understand that you don't get to make all the decisions. This isn't king of anything. This is a democracy with a big D," Baker said.

And the governor says he may exercise his democratic right to skip next year's GOP National Convention, noting that it falls in late July when the Beacon Hill budget process is traditionally nearing its climax.

Said Baker: "I'm probably going to be sticking around here."

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