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Keller @ Large: Glad To Have Belichick Around

BOSTON (CBS) - Congratulations to Patriots coach Bill Belichick for being named NFL Coach of the Year for the third time in the last eight years. One more win and he ties Don Shula for most times winning that award, and if you doubt Belichick will make it, I'm afraid you don't quite understand what an extraordinary figure he is.

Listen to Jon's commentary:


And if that's the case, you're not alone. Belichick has more than his share of doubters, and outright haters, including, apparently, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, who is quoted claiming Belichick reneged on a deal to make some sort of extravagant public apology for his role in the taping of an opponents practice a few years back in violation of league rules.

Belichick says he never made such a deal, and I believe him. He is clearly not someone who believes in mea culpas, confessions, or any other sort of public scenery-chewing, and while that aloofness and reserve seems to drive some fans and media nuts, I kind of like that about Belichick. He doesn't seem interested in a lot of the media hype that other coaches revel in, preferring instead to pour his energy into doing the job better than any of his contemporaries, and while that may be seen as old-fashioned by some, I find it refreshing.

Belichick is clearly a scholar of football, its history and its science. And he excels as an organizational leader, reigning in egos and extracting maximum performance from his players and coaches to an unparalleled degree. The fans I hear doubting Belichick because of the team's playoff loss last month don't seem to get that this team over-achieved dramatically all year long. And many of his critics seem motivated less by facts than by resentment of Belichick's unapologetic success.

Too bad.

People who succeed will always be resented by the also-rans. Bill Belichick may not be very media-friendly, or touchy-feely, but neither of those things have anything to do with excellence. And even when he doesn't win a Super Bowl, I'm glad to have him around to prove that there's more to making it in America these days than hype.

You can listen to Keller At Large on WBZ News Radio every weekday at 7:55 a.m. and 12:25 p.m. You can also watch Jon on WBZ-TV News.

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