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Adam Kaufman's '5 Questions' With Dan Roche

BOSTON (CBS) - It's the return of Adam Kaufman's "5 Questions," and this time he's pulling from the WBZ-TV pool of great sports minds.

Dan Roche joins Kaufman for the latest edition, tackling everywhere from the Patriots-Texans matchup to the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Here are this week's "5 Questions":

1. A lot of people are already chalking Sunday up as another Patriots' playoff win. Is Rochie one of those people taking this Patriots-Texans game for granted? And what's his prediction?

Read: NFL Divisional Round Picks

2. Hockey is back! Well, at least half a season's worth. Will a 48-game season be an advantage or disadvantage for the Boston Bruins?

Listen: Milan Lucic On Toucher & Rich

3. The Celtics have turned things around as of late, thanks in large part to the return of guard Avery Bradley. Is Bradley making a bigger impact faster than everyone thought?

4. It's been almost two months... will the Red Sox ever finalize a deal with Mike Napoli?

5. And finally, no one got into the Hall of Fame this week. If he had a vote, who would Rochie have voted in this year -- if anyone?

Read: How Boston Writers Voted

You've heard Rochie's take, now what's yours? Let us know in the comments section!

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