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Keller @ Large: I'm Sold On These Red Sox

BOSTON (CBS) - I can hear the naysayers right now - hey Keller, you can't say anything intelligent about the Red Sox this season based on just the first game.

I say you can.

Listen to my pitch and decide for yourself who's right.

In all modesty, I do want to point out that the Red Sox are undefeated Wednesday morning in part because they have followed by longstanding advice - play the kids. Veterans are important of course, and if they're fit to play you always want David Ortiz and Dustin Pedroia in your lineup.

But we saw late last summer what good things can happen when you let the kids play, and we saw it again Tuesday, two hits for Mookie Betts, two for Travis Shaw, two more for Brock Holt, a hit and a walk for Jackie Bradley Jr., all of them under 30. I want to see more of that all year long, got that John Farrell?

I have always maintained that you need an ace, and a real one, not the "five aces" that Farrell absurdly maintained we had last year before they stunk out the joint. David Price is the real deal. I predict 20 wins, at least.

I believe in second chances, and luckily the sox gave Hanley Ramirez one and he looked great with two hits, aggressive base running and no errors at first. In fact, the entire team had zero errors. Haven't I always said fielding was crucial? Yes, I believe I have.

Clearly, there is room for improvement over the day one results. Nineteen runners left on base is too many.

But hey, it's only game one, from which I extrapolate a successful season lies ahead.

Go ahead, gloom and doomers, tell me I'm wrong. That may be, but at least I have a positive attitude.

Email me your ridicule at, or reach out on Twitter @kelleratlarge.

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