Inching Closer...
While we've been enjoying sunny, crisp October weather, the Mid-Atlantic is receiving wave after wave of rain and wind. A large storm is swirling off the Outer Banks and is in no hurry to move as it's cut-off from the steering currents in the upper atmosphere. The storm is now beginning to drift north and clouds and rain continue to get closer and closer. The clouds will thicken up today and combination of limited sun and onshore winds, it will feel pretty raw.
We will be on the edge of the storm tonight and tomorrow thus avoiding most if not all of the heavy rain. With that said, some of the outer bands from the storm will spread into Southern New England tonight and tomorrow leading to occasional rain and drizzle...damp, raw conditions.
A big blocking high pressure cell to our north will fight back over the weekend and the storm will retreat to the south. Skies will brighten up on Saturday and brighter sunshine will return for Sunday to finish up the weekend.