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How To Travel With A New Girlfriend

Going on that first getaway alone together can be very exciting. In addition to the excitement, your first getaway with a new girlfriend can be very nerve wrecking. There's the stress of wondering if you both will have a good time and the fear of things becoming awkward should something go drastically wrong. Do not let these fears get in the way of planning a romantic getaway. Every new couple has to take this first step sometime during the relationship and it can be just as nerve wrecking no matter how long the two of you have been together.

Here are some tips to help you travel with a new girlfriend.

Don't Rush It

No matter how much pressure she is putting on you to get away, do not decide to travel together if you don't feel ready. Make sure you are ready to take that next step in the relationship. Though many new couples do travel together early in the relationship, it is best to wait at least three months before booking those reservations. This ensures there has been plenty of time for you two to get to know one another. Plus, you know you are both comfortable spending time together.

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Plan It Locally

Though she may be wanting to you take her away to a tropical island for a romantic weekend, it is best if you save that for your second getaway. Stick to a local destination or somewhere you can easily drive to in less than half of a day. This way, if anything goes wrong, the two of you can drive back home and go on with your lives.

Test The Waters

Before booking a vacation, make sure the two of you are compatible together for more than just a date. Test the waters by spending a weekend together at your home. You will have the comfort of your belongings and she will be excited that you want her to spend the weekend with you. This will allow you to see if the two of you are able to spend more than 24 hours together without feeling awkward around one another.

Plan It Together

Sit down and discuss the getaway together. Chances are, the two of you have different ideas of what a romantic weekend entails. For example, you may want to go camping and hiking, while she may want to go and spend the day at the spa together. Select a destination the two of you can agree on, with plenty of activities that interest both of you.

Discuss the type of hotel room you will stay in. Things to consider include getting a suite so there is plenty of room and a place to escape is necessary. Another thing to discuss is how many beds will be in the room - one or two.

You need to also sit down and set a budget for the weekend. Determine how much money is available to spend and who will pay for what during the getaway.

Do Some Homework

Once a destination has been chosen, take the time to do some research on the area. Look into accommodations, activities, events and attractions in the area. Call around or look online for recommendations and suggested things to do while there.

Having plenty of things to do will prevent those awkward moments when the two of you are sitting in the room wondering what to do next. If you plan a lot of activities, you will not have to hear "I don't care" or "I don't know" as a response to you asking what she wants to do.

Be Flexible

Chances are you will not want to do everything she wants to do. Be flexible and go with her. You may discover you enjoy the same activities and if not, you definitely earned some brownie points with her.

Just like you should be flexible and do things she wants to do, she should also be willing to do the same for you. Offer up some suggestions and if she says she is not interested, tell her it is something you enjoy and you would really love to share the experience with her. She may just break down and agree to go with.

Plan "Me" Time

Even though this is your first getaway together, it is still very important to make time for yourself. If she is looking to get a massage, but that is something you are not interested in, go golfing while she is at the spa. Set a short amount of time during the getaway to spend apart. The two of you will feel refreshed when you get back together after your "me" time.

Plan A Romantic Surprise

Make plans to do something romantic for her. Call the hotel where you will be staying and see if they offer anything special for couples. The concierge will be able to help plan a romantic dinner on the beach and fill the room with chocolates and rose petals for your return. She will be ecstatic that you took the time to do something special for her.

Related: Travel To Los Angeles On A Budget

Traveling as a new couple can be an exciting adventure that the two of you will remember for many years to come. Be prepared, plan as much as you can and leave a little room for spontaneity. Keep these tips in mind and you are sure to have an amazing time traveling together for the first time.

Heather Landon is a freelance writer with more than 20 years of experience. She has combined two of her passions - writing and travel - to share her experiences with others. You can read more of her articles at

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