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How To Tackle Your Travel Bucket List

Life is short and it is important that we live it up and enjoy it. Plus, the stress of day-to-day activities and responsibilities make it almost impossible to enjoy life to its fullest. Then add on the fact that you are entering that stage in life commonly known as the "Midlife Crisis" stage. The stress and depression can be almost unbearable. Travel might be just what the doctor ordered to get you through this time of your life.

"Travel is great therapy," Rick Griffin of suggested. "It is the perfect solution to a midlife crisis." Following Griffin's advice means you need to get out and do these things as soon as you can. This will get you to start checking those items off of your travel bucket list. is hosted by Griffin and his travel partner in crime, Sandi McKenna. Together they share their experiences, what is on their travel bucket lists and how to tackle your very own midlife road trip list. Here are some tips and experiences they recently shared.

The List

It was not until five or six years ago that both Griffin and McKenna started working on a joint bucket list project. However, Griffin had started his own list back when he was in college. He started by listing everything he wanted to do and it grew from there.

"It was not until I was diagnosed with a life threatening illness that Midlife Road Trip officially started," he said. "It was then when I was motivated to actually complete my list." Something tells us however, that Griffin will never fully complete his bucket list because he shared that his philosophy with making a list is to always add something new when you check something off. Making Midlife Road Trip an ongoing adventure.

Making The List

Everyone has their own process for creating a bucket list and the most important rule is to add things you really want to do, see and accomplish in life. McKenna said that she adds items to her list as she sees them.

"Recently, my bucket list has taken a nostalgic turn," she said. "I am adding places I remember as a kid and want to revisit places like the Gaspé Peninsula, Fire Island and Montauk."

If you are unsure of what you want to add to your bucket list, your best resource is to ask around. Plus, there are many resources available to finding places to go and people to meet.

"We add to ours by asking people to add suggestions to our site," Griffin said. "We go down the list and determine what suggestions to add to our own lists. Fans always have new ideas and we love adding them."

In addition to using their website for ideas, McKenna said they use Internet sources including travel blogs, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and travel sites such as Expedia. "Your bucket list is only limited by your imagination," she added. "These sites have countless ideas to kick your imagination into gear."

She is a fan of many travel blogs and gets inspired by their photos, their sense of adventure and fearlessness. The list of sites McKenna draws her bucket list inspiration from is a long one and is continually growing. Here are a few she uses regularly:

Do not be afraid to start your own travel bucket list and set your mind on completing it. "We encourage others to write down their bucket list ideas and encourage them to complete it and share it with us," Griffin said. "We like to see what others are doing and get some of our inspiration from their adventures."

Related: Tips for Your Next Road Trip

List Pitfalls

There are many things that may prevent you from completing your travel bucket list, including talking yourself out of making travel plans. Griffin strongly suggests that you should never talk yourself out of doing it. "Don't wait, because one day you will regret what you did not do," he added. "Personally, I like to charge forward and do everything, which keeps me motivated to complete my list."

McKenna suggested that those looking to complete a bucket list not set a time limit on the entire list. "My list is organic," she added. "When the time is right, everything will fall into place."


Another pitfall many road trip dreamers encounter is money. Griffin says to not let that get in the way either. There are many ways to make a trip more affordable, including searching for great deals online, asking about specials and traveling during the off season when prices are less expensive.

Why Create The List

Everyone has their own reasons why they have created a travel bucket list, including both McKenna and Griffin. Let's take a look at why they started their travel lists.

"My dad was sick and from talking to him," McKenna said, "I realized there were so many things he would have still liked to do, but was no longer able to. I decided then to make my list and start checking things off. I have even checked off a few of the things he could not finish."

"In college, I realized there was more to life out there and I wanted to learn and see it all," Griffin shared. "Early in my traveling career, I mostly went to sports destinations, such as those based around the Sugar Bowl, Super Bowl and so on. But when you have kids, things change a lot and travel sometimes gets put on the back burner so you can take care of things."

Griffin shared that he was remotivated to work on his bucket list once he received the diagnosis of his illness. "The first thing we did when I got out of the hospital after my diagnosis was book a cruise," he added. "We also went to the Grand Canyon with my two daughters." He also added that his family trip to the Grand Canyon was one of the most satisfying things he has crossed off of his list.

Related: AAA Travel's "Bucket List" Getaway Advice


There is nothing more satisfying than being able to cross something you have completed off of a list. Some of the more satisfying bucket list adventures Griffin has experienced include anything that has given him an adrenaline rush, such as skydiving and helicopter tours. He also said one of his favorite experiences was when he walked the Golden Gate Bridge.

"I got to experience seven days in Alaska's inside passage," McKenna said about her most satisfying experience. "It was breathtaking and gave me a new appreciation for the beauty of my country. As someone who is far from adventurous or outdoorsy, it gave me the opportunity to try things I never would have imagined like hiking along a glacier. I loved it and the cold, crisp air made me feel alive."

Another satisfying adventure McKenna crossed off of her bucket list included when she visited Molokai, Hawaii. "We rode miles down some of the highest sea cliffs in the world," she said. "As someone who is terrified of heights, it gave me a great sense of accomplishment to do this."

What's Next

Both McKenna and Griffin are far from completing their lists. So what is the next adventure to be crossed off of their lists? Let's take a look:

"I really want to go on a cattle drive," Griffin said, "like the one in 'City Slickers' out in Montana." However, until he is able to rope some cattle, Griffin is looking forward to taking a cruise down the Danube River next month.

McKenna has some more simple things next on her list. She plans to learn how to fly fish, take her granddaughters to Alaska, visit the Greek Islands, sleep in a tree house, go glamping, milk a cow and learn how to make cheese. She also plans to laugh out loud at least once a day.

When working on your travel bucket list, Griffin said it is important to set goals to travel and the dates you want them done by. For example, he suggested you put your goals out there on social media and hold yourself accountable for those goals. "Social media is a great thing," he added. "We are now able to get around the world using it. People are a great help when sharing ideas and motivating us to complete our bucket list."

Take McKenna's and Griffin's advice. Make your list, set your goals and get out there. The more you are able to check off of the list, the more motivated you will be to continue and complete it.

Heather Landon is a freelance writer with more than 20 years of experience. She has combined two of her passions - writing and travel - to share her experiences with others. You can read more of her articles at

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