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Horses Escape Farm, Trot Down Highway

LITTLETON (CBS) – Horses on a highway created a traffic jam some drivers will never forget.

When Pamela Campbell heard there were a couple of horses loose on Route 2, she quickly checked her barn. Sure enough, Jack and Molly, her two draft horses, were out on a stroll up the highway in Littleton.

"They came over the electric fence down the driveway turned and went down the road," Campbell said. "Over the guardrail, and I don't know if you saw any of the pictures, but it appeared that they were coming back at one point. They had evidently changed their minds."

It was the height of the evening rush; Mark Mello got a chance to snap some pictures because he was stuck in the traffic jam.

"It's pretty crazy. We're not in a rural area, kind of suburban, you don't expect to see any horses here," Mello said. "It's a small town, you expect horses to be ridden, but you don't ya know just, walking around a highway."

Pamela got there and was able to walk the wayward horses down Route 2 and back home. They were not hurt.

So in the end it was just an equine field trip. Jack and Molly were back here in their barn Tuesday night resting comfortably.

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